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2012: From Fear to Faith 

During a recent conversation with a good friend, I was reminded of a dynamic sermon that Bishop Vashti McKenzie preached at Friendship West (Pastor Freddie Haynes) a few months ago (caught it online) where she gave a powerful illustration involving the African Impala (an antelope). Did you know that African Impalas can leap to heights over 10 feet but will stay enclosed in a 3-foot fence? Why? Because they will not jump if they cannot see where they will land. How many of us live our lives like African Impalas- allowing what we can't see limit what we can be? Let's make 2012 a year where we jump from fear to faith and trust God- trust His presence when we leap, trust His protection when we land, and trust His provision as we launch out! Happy New Year!

UPDATE: I was just reminded that 2012 is a leap year! I believe it's time to get a running start!

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